
Divide & Cool Modular Fridge Systems

Divide and Cool Modular Fridges System

Divide and Cool Modular Fridges System

Turkish producer, Arçelik, created a new solution for smart storage for kitchens. It’s modular fridge series called Divide&Cool. It takes space saving and cooking comfort on the new level. There are plenty cool and smart storage cabinets that modern kitchen designers use. For example you can see that in kitchens designed by Porsche or Pedini kitchens. Although modular fridges are quite new idea.

Modular fridges add more functionality to the kitchen. The modules can be customized for storage of particular foods at the ideal temperature and humidity of those foods, extending freshness and good taste.



P.s. The system is designed by Fuat Ar? and Soner Ilg?n.


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