
Ideas for small spaces: kitchens and extensible folding


Over the years the size of houses and apartments have become increasingly restricted and designers must design the interior increasingly adapting to this situation. Today, in small apartments the kitchen is usually sacrificed in the environment of space, for that some recent proposals aim to overcome the problem creating extensible and foldable furniture as needed.



For example Boffi, historic Italian manufacturer of kitchens, decided to fish out and put in production the famous project Mini-Kitchen of Joe Colombo dating back to 1963, but today more than ever, it is a monoblock kitchen on wheels, made art materials such as Corian.


To resolve space needs, some young designers such as French Aurélien Banerjeeand Olivier Picard or study German Stadtnomadenhave carried out projects of kitchens extensively than with "FFBA kitchenette"and"A la carte"proposal below.



In the latter case it is a mobile kitchen-bent plywood, consisting of three elements (stove, sink and worktop) in different modular solutions, which can be easily disassembled, moved and reassembled in other rooms.


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